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时间:2020-07-17  作者:  点击数:



冯玉军  教授 



    殷鸿尧 副研究员   苏鑫 副研究员  赵学之 助理研究员  张艳 助理研究员  





团队一直致力于水溶性功能高分子和特种表面活性剂的合成、自组装行为和溶液性质研究,聚焦于环境刺激响应智能软物质材料制备、性能研究及其在油气开采领域中的应用研究。目前在包括Chemical Society ReviewsProgress in Polymer ScienceAdvanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional MaterialsMacromoleculesChemical CommunicationsChemical Engineering Journal等主流期刊发表论文280余篇,其中SCI收录230余篇,累计引用8500余次(Google Scholar);在德国Springer出版社和英国Royal Society of Chemistry出版英文专著2部;获授权发明专利25件,申请PCT专利5件。团队负责人以第一完成人获中国专利奖优秀奖1项,中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步奖一等奖1项,成都市科技进步奖一等奖1项,四川省科技进步奖二等奖1项。



1. Yan Zhang, Xuezhi Zhao, Peihui Han, Tianlei He, Hongyao Yin, Liyuan Zhang*, Yujun Feng*, David A. Weitz*. Rock-on-a-chip: “Seeing” the association/disassociation of an adaptive polymer in solutions flowing through porous media. Lab on a chip, 2023, 23, 2808-2818.

2. Xinjie Luo, Bing Wei, Ke Gao, Bo Jin, Bo Huang, Pin Guo, Hongyao Yin, Yujun Feng*, Xi Zhang. Gas channeling control with an in-situ smart surfactant gel during water-alternating-CO2 enhanced oil recovery. Petroleum Science, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.petsci.2023.03.003.

3. Hongyao Yin, Xin Yin, Ruibo Cao, Peiyun Zeng, Jing Wang, Dianguo Wu, Xinjie Luo, Youyi Zhu, Zhuo Zheng, Yujun Feng*. In situ crosslinked weak gels with ultralong and tunable gelation times for improving oil recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 432, 124350.

4. Dianguo Wu, Jinliang Chen, Xin Su*, Yujun Feng*. Hydrophilic modification of methylcellulose to obtain thermoviscosifying polymers without macro-phase separation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 260, 117792.

5. Shiwei Li, Olivier Braun, Lionel Lauber, Thierry Leblanc, Xin Su, Yujun Feng*. Enhancing oil recovery from high–temperature and high–salinity reservoirs with smart thermoviscosifying polymers: A laboratory study. Fuel, 2021, 288, 119777.

6. Rui Zhu, Yujun Feng*, Pingya Luo. Net contribution of hydrophobic association to the thickening power of hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes prepared by micellar polymerization. Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 1326-1337.

7. Xin Su*, Yuting Jiang, Philip G. Jessop, Michael F. Cunningham, Yujun Feng*. Photoinitiated TERP emulsion polymerization: A new member of the large family of preparation approaches for CO2-switchable latexes. Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 6018-6023.

8. Xuezhi Zhao, Yujun Feng, Guangzhi Liao, Weidong Liu. Visualizing in-situ emulsification in porous media during surfactant flooding: A microfluidic study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 578, 629-640.

9. Qirui Tian, Chenhong Fei, Hongyao Yin, Yujun Feng*. Stimuli-responsive polymer wormlike micelles. Progress in Polymer Science, 2019, 89, 108–132.

10. Hongyao Yin, Yujun Feng*, Peixun Li, Doutch James, Yixiu Han, Yongjun Mei. Cryogenic viscoelastic surfactant fluids: fabrication and application in a subzero environment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 551, 89–100.

11. Xinjie Luo, Hongyao Yin, Xin Su, Yujun Feng. CO2-triggered microreactions in liquid marbles. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 9119–9122.

12. Zanru Guo, Yujun Feng*, Shuai He, Meizhen Qu, Honglin Chen, Hanbin Liu, Yufeng Wu, Yu Wang. CO2-responsive “smart” single-walled carbon nanotubes. Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, 584–590.

13. Zanru Guo, Yujun Feng*, Dingwei Zhu, Shuai He, Hanbin Liu, Xiangrong Shi, Jing Sun, Meizhen Qu. Light-switchable single-walled carbon nanotubes based on host-guest chemistry. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 5010–5018.

14. Yongmin Zhang, Yujun Feng,* Jiyu Wang, Shuai He, Zanru Guo, Zonglin Chu and Cécile A. Dreiss*. CO2-switchable wormlike micelles. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49, 4902–4904.

15. Zonglin Chu, Cécile A. Dreiss, Yujun Feng*. Smart wormlike micelles. Chemical Society Reviews, 2013, 42, 7174–7203.
